Mortuary #3 (Germany) 1992. Editor: “Christian Hillenbrand”
Massive German zine (in English) packed with tons of reviews and (brief) interviews targeting many of the underground’s death and black metal notables of 1992, as well as zine editors like those from Slayer and Isten, and even Earache Records (with Pete Lee from Lawnmower Deth representing). Features Beherit, Benediction, Bolt Thrower, Carcass, Cannibal Corpse, Dark Tranquillity, Darkified, Dark Millenium, Fleshcrawl, Demigod, Desultory, Furbowl, Goatlord, Goreaphobia, Gorefest, Inverted, Hetsheads, Malaphar, Mega-Slaughter, Immolation, Necrophobic, My Dying Bride, Mould, Pan-Thy-Monium, Samael, Tiamat, Traumatic and more. Thanks to Stefan Lons for sharing!