Pagan Kalewala #2 (Finland) 1994. Editor: “Ari Honkonen ”
Skyclad are on the cover…but not inside (sigh)….one of my all time favorite bands (after Sabbat!)…Martin Walkyier was and is among THE best lyricists in the history of metal…there – I said it! Anyways…this is a zine from Ari of the Finnish band Morningstar, with interviews/features/updates with Immolation (talking about leaving Roadrunner Records), Congestion, Necromantia, Varathron, Troll (94), a number of reviews, Finnish scene report/Finnish witchcraft history, and more. Brief, but fun (how I love that typewriter font from the early-mid 90s)…issue #1 is next – thanks S.L.!