Thrash Metal #2 (Spain) 1988. Editor: “Mariscal Romero” (En español)
Certainly not to be confused with other mags/zines with the same name, this was a pro-published magazine out of Spain from the late 80’s. The publisher was a company called “MC Editions” that had several publications, selling magazines like this and others in bookstores at the time. For the most part, there was nothing really ‘underground’ in it, but as a historical/cultural artifact its pretty killer – features and interviews with Agnostic Front, Anthrax, Coroner, Death, Flotsam and Jetsam, Kreator, Leeway, Sabbat, Rage, Nuclear Assault, Slayer, Onslaught, Sodom, Suicidal Tendencies, Testament, Toranaga and Risk; plus additional focus on Spanish bands Fuck Off, Crom and Leviatan.