The Book of Armageddon #1 (NY, USA) 1986, Editor: “Ed Farshtey”
A few weeks back, I put up BOA #4 with commentary from Ed Farshtey. This week, I have a super-rare copy of BOA #1 from 1986, and it features VERY early and cool (yet brief) interviews with DEATH (Evil Chuck when he was out in California – and hey I forgot he jammed with DRI drummer Eric Brecht then) , POSSESSED (Lalonde), CELTIC FROST (Warrior), DARK ANGEL (Hoglan-right before signing to Combat Records), a long interview with Quorthon from BATHORY (On recording “THE RETURN:” I was drunk every second during the recording…we had a great time“, live reviews, and several cool ads for DEATH‘s Mutilation demo, and a back cover ad for pre-CARCASS band “DISATTACK“.