Gospel of Darkness #2 (Spain) 1994. Editor: “Dani” (en Español) Massive Spanish zine that heavily reflects the Spanish scene from early 90s w/ a LOT of Iberian bands (plus some nice surprises from elsewhere). Features, reviews and interviews with Avulsed, Blood Duster, Brazil and Lithuania scene reports, Decayed, Dead Christ, Dismal, Gore Beyond Necropsy, Gut, […]
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MorticiaNumskull #8
(Netherlands) 1996MorticiaNumskull #8 (Netherlands) 1996 (Joint issue of Mortician and Numskull zines). Editors: “Wicliff Wolda” and “Harodl Dekkers” Combined 8th issue of these 90’s Dutch zines, with a very well written and comprehensive review section – just a good survey of the transitional mid-90s weirdness in the underground at the time, lots of adverts from the […]
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Wounded #4
(Lithuania) 1993Wounded #4 (Lithuania) 1993. Editor: “Minda “Plix” Lapinskas” Lithuanian zine featuring a nice selection of early 90s-second generation underground favs, plenty of reviews (and even some early Mark Riddick work!) interviews and/or features with Anathema, Candiru, Devour, Edge of Sanity, Ghostorm, Gommorah, Impaled Nazarene, Meat Shits, Misanthrope, Mortem, Shiver Records – who ripped me off […]
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Exhume Zine #4
(Tennessee, USA) 1993Exhume Zine #4 (Tennessee, USA) July 1993. Editor: James Kelly Enochs III. This was the fourth and final issue of Exhume (issue #3 was put up a while ago), and like the previous, it was stapled on thick, copied paper. This makes for some hard eye-squint reading in places, but nothing that zooming in can not […]
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