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    Vulcano (BRZ)

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  • Slayer #5
    (Norway) 1987

    Slayer #5 (Norway). 1987. Editor: “Metalion” Fifth issue from long running, legendary Norwegian zine/”mag”…as only Metalion could deliver. Timely and historic features/reviews and interviews with Annihilator, Bathory, Black Uniforms, Mutilator, Aggression, Incubus, Kreator, Massacre, Mayhem, Mefisto, Messiah, Morbid Angel, Mutilator, Napalm Death, Nuclear Death, Obscurity, Poison (GER), Sabbat (YES!), Sadist, Sadus, Satan’s Holocaust, Schizo, Aggressor, […]

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  • Noise Metal #8
    (Belgium/Francais) 1987

    Noise Metal #8 (Belgium/Francais) 1987. Editors: “Michel Kirby, Eddy Van Oosthuyze, Eddy Vandervelde, Dirk Robyn, and Marc Van Yseren”  Belgian zine in French, includes interviews and/or features with Adrenalin OD, Casbah, D.R.I., Sabbat (JPN), Phantasm (CA), Soothsayer, Suicidal Tendencies, Testament, Vacant Grave, Vulcano, Rancid Decay, a Mayhem advert on the back cover and more…Thanks to […]

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  • Blowing Thrash #3
    (Chile) 1986

    Blowing Thrash #3  (Chile) Sept/Oct, 1986. Editor: “Anton Reisenegger” The third issue from 1986 (#2 is below), also put together from Anton Reisenegger of Chile’s cult early death metal outfit Pentagram (and currently in Lock Up). His first in English, it features another mini-Chilean national report, KILLER interviews with SOD (Scott Ian), Detente, Sepultura and […]

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