Blasphemous #1 (Greece) 1991. Editors: “Morbid”, “John”, “Stephan” and “Photis” Received this fantastic early 90’s gem directly from the source (thanks for sharing Swamp beast!); a bit uneven in parts but the ambition is undeniable; pretty much a ‘who’s who’ of both black and death metal circa 90/91, from the demo reviews to the […]
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Heresy Magazine #3
(Australia) 1998Heresy Magazine #3 (Australia) 1998. Editor: “Jason M. Healey” Zine produced by Atomizer (AUS) vocalist Jason Healey from the late 90s focusing on dark-death and black metal, with interviews, info and features on Agatus, Angelcorpse, Blot Mine, Burzum, Desaster, Destroyer 666, Gospel of the Horns, Helheim, Marduk, Mayhem, Mortuary Oath, Pentacle, Tyrant, Usurper, Vital Remains, […]
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Isten #5
(Finland) 1990Isten #5 (Finland) 1990. Editors: “Mikko Mattila” and “Luxi Lahtinen” Fantastic, long-running zine from Finland (in English) that is one of the few to achieve truly ‘cult’ status – and on that note, they are apparently constructing a retrospective book (!) that is currently closing in on 800 pages. Stay tuned- (Their F-book page is […]
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(Scotland) Oct. 1993Anatomia#1 (Scotland) Oct. 1993. Editor: “Bill” Well-designed zine out of Scotland from the early 90’s featuring a very diverse lineup of interviews, cool reviews, Norwegian scene report and more, featuring Crucifier, Edge of Sanity, Embalmed, Furbowl, Sentenced, Gorefest, Imprecation, Malediction, Depravity, Nocturnal Rites, Vital Remains, House of Usher, Thus Defiled, Vomitory etc.
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Esoteric Mag #3
(Poland) 1992Esoteric Mag #3 (Poland) March, 1992. Editor: “Miroslawa Mackiewicz” With features and interviews with Monstrosity, Astaroth, Unholy, Baphomet, Thergothon, Dead, Absu, Demigod, Morbid God, Immolation, Immortal Fate, Nightfall, God Dethroned, Gorefest, Misanthrope, Revenant, Vital Remains, Pyogenesis, and more.
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Clandestine Zine #1
(Santiago, Chile) 1994
(Español)Clandestine Zine (Santiago, Chile) #1 July 1994. Editor: “Robert P. Zarathustra” Here at SBMS, a noticeable lack of zines from the non-English speaking world compelled me to start digging up the zines I have in other languages, so here is a first from Chile (in Spanish). The main feature of this issue is a lengthy interview […]
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Rot Zine #2
(USA) 1990Rot Zine #2 (US) 1990. Eds: Bryan Durren and Rich Bush This stapled, near digest-sized zine out of Michigan featured great pre-signing interviews with the likes of Cynic, Immolation, Deceased, Sadus, Vital Remains and more…plus some cool post-vintage offerings from Possessed (trying to reform!?), Sacrifice (pre-Soldiers of Misfortune) and Sarcofago. Additionally, there are Wild Rags Records cult favs Order From […]
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Sinistrari Zine #1
(USA) 1992Sinistrari Zine #1 (USA), 1993. Editor: ZAID I picked this zine up somewhere around 1992/93, and it quickly became a favorite. Well written, in multiple languages (in some interviews), with well thought-out questions revealing an international vibe that reflected the multi-national unity of the nascent death/black underground. First issue, top notch-not sure if he put any […]
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