Metal K.O. Vol 1, #4 (Quebec, Canada) 1984. Editor: “Johnny Hart” (en Français) Very EARLY zine with mostly features/write-ups on Accept, Acid, Europe, Helstar, Great White, Hell’s Dagger, Trouble, Killer, Hades, Trance, Icon, Ratt, Mercyful Fate, Pantera, Overdrive, Zoetrope, and Van Halen (live review), plus news, playlist and a bit more…
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Thrash Em All #1.4
(Poland) 1992Thrash Em All #1.4 (Poland) 1992 (in Polish) Editor: “Mariusz Kmiolek” Another issue of Thrash Em All from Poland (thanks again to Pawel). Features some really cool live/band shots I have not seen before, from the likes of Bolt Thrower, Samael and Nocturnus among others, as well as features/interviews/pics on Vader, Believer, Betrayer, Earache Records, […]
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(Russia) #9, 1995
(in Russian)Rockcor (Russia) #9, 1995. Editor: ? This is one of the few older Russian publications I have, so if you can not read it, enjoy the pics. I also checked and it seems this is being published again in some newer, modern form. Either way, interviews and features with Pantera, Darkthrone, Dismember, Deadworld, Dying Fetus, Rage, Mercyful Fate, […]
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