Fatal Prediction #1 (Chile) 1989. Editor: “Jorge Hurtado” (En Español) Featuring Agressor, Atomic Aggressor, Autopsia, Bloodcum, DIY, Deranged (CAN), Fallout, Genocídio, Necrodeath, Stygian, Necrosis (CH), Nihilist, Reactor, Revenant, Sindrome, Slasher, Solitude, and Warpath +reviews. Thanks to Mario T. for sending it over.
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Impulso Repulsivo #1
(Chile) 1989
(Español)Impulso Repulsivo #1 (Chile) 1989 (Español). Editors: “Andrés Padilla” and “Cristian Gonzalez” Another zine from the vibrant Chilean scene of the late 1980’s, also another one that Andrés Padilla had a hand in (presently of Grinder Magazine and the Underground Never Dies! book). Packed with interviews and reviews, a good cross-section of the scene at […]
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Slayer Zine #7
(Norway) 1989Slayer Zine #7 (Norway). 1989. Editor: “Metalion” To again celebrate the release of Metalion’s book, I unearthed the last copy of Slayer Zine in my possession, # 7 from 1989. This issue is an almost complete reflection of everything that was fresh and exciting about the underground at the time, featuring interviews with many ‘future titans’ […]
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