Blitzkrieg #3 (Germany) 1985. Editors: “Ralf Ludwig, Roland Dähne, Andreas Hartmann, Olaf Moretzki” (auf Deutsch) Exceptional German zine from a great year in metal. Includes some pics that, at least I, have not seen before from Death, Celtic Frost and others. Features/Reviews and interviews with Overkill, Death, Bathory, Enforcer, Black Virgin, Iron Angel, Medieval, Nigro […]
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Death Speaks #1
(Yugoslavia) 1985Death Speaks #1 (Yugoslavia) 1985. Editor: “Boštjan Jurečič“ From the former Yugoslavia, mid-80s extremity in all its tattered glory (this appears to have originated from the Dark Legions archive by the way). Features and interviews with At War, Kreator, Hirax, Iron Angel, Tankard, Viper (France), a Yugoslavian scene report and a tiny bit more. PDF […]
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Raise the Dead #1
(Germany) 1984Raise the Dead #1 (Germany) 1984. Editors: “Timo Weber” (auf Deutsch) Lots of history packed in this one. Whether you can read German or not, it is still worth a gander for the original artwork from Away (Voivod) and the early Death feature…one of the earliest I have ever seen (on their first Death by Metal […]
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Speed Attack #2
(Germany) 1985
(Deutsch)Speed Attack #2 (Germany) 1985. (auf Deutsch) Editors: “Michael Trengert and Peter Zohren” Second issue of this German zine featured last month, released in the year of 1985. Again, one of the editors was Michael Trengert, who went on to be one of the Summer Breeze Festival (GER) organizers and also a former European manager […]
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Brain Damage Zine #2
(California, USA) 1985Brain Damage Zine #2 (California, USA) 1985. Editors: “Vadim Rubin, Mike Rubenstein, and Ron Nieto” The second issue from this classic zine out of Long Beach. My fav. part of this one is the ‘no posers’ Celtic Frost Drummer ad. Features and interviews from Bathory, Celtic Frost, C.O.C., Dark Angel, Death, Destruction, Possessed, Sodom, etc. […]
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