Circle of the Impious Mortals #2 (Germany) 1992. Editor: “Nyarlathotep” German zine that featured a variety of genres, mixed with Satanic imagery and themes (the editor even has an essay outlining the reasoning behind it). Also reviews of demos in a critical year for the underground, with features/interviews on Impaled Nazarene, Sepulchral (FR), Beherit, Golem, […]
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Possessor Terror #3
(Chile) 1992
(Español)Possessor Terror #3 (Chile) 1992. Editors: “Nego,” “Panchy” y “Carlos” (en Español) From the far side of the world, this Chilean zine has features, reviews and interviews with Baphomet, Necrony, Golem, My Dying Bride, Necrophobic, Impaler, Impaled Nazarene, Atomic Aggressor, Belial, Embrionic Death, Inverted, Desultory, Decomposed, Ancient Rites, Burial Vault, Carrion Lord, Candiru, Phantasm, Poserslaughter […]
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Witchcraft #3
(Germany) 1994 + InterviewInterview with Stefan Löns (July, 2014). Also, the incredible new issue is available now To get a copy of #6 write to: OR (snail mail): Witchcraft Magazine, P.O. Box 32 01 02, 56044 Koblenz, Germany. Price is 7,- Euro postpaid (Germany) or 8,50 Euro / 11$ (Europe, World). I still got new old stock […]
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