Blasphemer #1 (Chile) 1990 (in Spanish/Español). Editors: “Juan Olmedo” and “Christian Vargas” Another zine from the vibrant Chilean scene (also fully downloadable via the Crucified for Your Sins blog- check it out and thanks Mario), with interviews/reviews/features on a number of pivotal bands right at the point they were developing…I could find no date, but […]
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Bestial Conspiracy Zine #2
(Chile) 1990
(Español)Bestial Conspiracy Zine #2 (Chile) 1990, Editors: “Mauricio Perez R., Jose M. Rodriguez, Jorge W. Olate, Luis Salvo, and Moises Leiva Riffo, et al.” (Español ) This issue was a contribution from one of the zine’s editors (Mr. Jorge Olate), who graciously offered up the scans to share with everyone (as well as for the […]
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