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    Edge of Sanity (SWE)

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  • Blasphemous #2
    (Greece) 1992

    Blasphemous #2 (Greece) 1992. Editors: “Morbid”, “John”, “Stephan” and “Photis” Second issue of this cult Greek zine, overflowing with exaltations and inebriations most foul and horrendous! with Abysmal, Lemegethon, Acheron, Amorphis, Winged, Ancient Rites, Edge of Sanity, At the Gates, Afflicted, Black Prophecies, Tormentor, Blood, Bolt Thrower, Solitude, Cartilage, Ceremonial Oath, Emperor, Crematorium, Demigod, Putrid […]

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  • Anathema Zine #1
    (Finland) 1991

    Anathema Zine #1 (Finland) 1991. Editor: “Tupe” (A5, 64 pages) Finnish zine from the apex of extreme metal’s golden years; lots of illuminating and humorous content (e.g Therion and Unholy’s one word answers?!) and essential/biting viewpoints throughout from an honest editor. Thanks to the one and only Francesco Dellamorte for the submission. PDF is up […]

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  • Grave Disgrace #2
    (Russia) 1993

    Grave Disgrace #2 (Russia) 1993. Editors: “Gladchenko Arkadiy” (in Russian) Finally, a Russian zine! This one is packed – 84 pages – with long features on labels like Foundation 2000 (NL), Peaceville Records, and Wild Rags (California), as well as extensive scene reports and info on Russian bands from the time…all for those who can read […]

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  • Wounded #4
    (Lithuania) 1993

    Wounded #4 (Lithuania) 1993. Editor: “Minda “Plix” Lapinskas” Lithuanian zine featuring a nice selection of early 90s-second generation underground favs, plenty of reviews (and even some early Mark Riddick work!) interviews and/or features with Anathema, Candiru, Devour, Edge of Sanity, Ghostorm, Gommorah, Impaled Nazarene, Meat Shits, Misanthrope, Mortem, Shiver Records – who ripped me off […]

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  • Vital Wound #2
    (Lithuania) 1992

    Vital Wound #2 (Lithuania) 1992. Editors: “Sarunas Sabaitis” and “Mindaugas Lapinskas” Interviews and features with Altar (SWE), Anathema, Ancient Rites, At the Gates, Balance of Terror Zine, Devastation, Edge of Sanity, Norwegian and Polish scene reports, Impetigo, Meat Shits, Nuclear Death, Rot, Seance, Thanatos, Fear Factory, Extreme Smoke and much more…

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  • Thrash Em All #1.4
    (Poland) 1992

    Thrash Em All #1.4 (Poland) 1992 (in Polish) Editor: “Mariusz Kmiolek” Another issue of Thrash Em All from Poland (thanks again to Pawel). Features some really cool live/band  shots I have not seen before, from the likes of Bolt Thrower, Samael and Nocturnus among others, as well as features/interviews/pics on Vader, Believer, Betrayer, Earache Records, […]

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  • Anatomia#1
    (Scotland) Oct. 1993

    Anatomia#1 (Scotland) Oct. 1993. Editor: “Bill” Well-designed zine out of Scotland from the early 90’s featuring a very diverse lineup of interviews, cool reviews, Norwegian scene report and more, featuring Crucifier, Edge of Sanity, Embalmed, Furbowl, Sentenced, Gorefest, Imprecation, Malediction, Depravity, Nocturnal Rites, Vital Remains, House of Usher, Thus Defiled, Vomitory etc.

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  • The Wild Rag! #28
    (California, USA) 1994

    The Wild Rag! Issue #28 (California, USA) Oct/Nov 1994. Editor: RICHARD C. This Issue of the notorious Richard C’s “The Wild Rag!” was exceptional, featuring a brilliant and very relevant perspective from three of the most influential studios/engineers of the era- Tomas Skogsberg at Sunlight Studios in Sweden, along with fellow Norseman Dan Swanö (Edge […]

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