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    Cryptic Slaughter (US)

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  • Battlefield #5
    (Germany) 1985

    Battlefield #5 (GER) 1985. Editor: “Markus Zimmerman” (auf Deutsch) Another mid-80s classic from D-land, with interviews, live reviews, and features on Agent Steel, Tankard, At War, Cryptic Slaughter, Death, Sons of Satan, Desaster Area, Exodus, Helloween, Destruction, Hallows Eve, Jag Panzer, Metallica, Hirax, Dark Angel, Kreator, Messiah, Samhain (GER), Possessed, Slaughter (CAN), Angel Dust, Savage […]

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  • Phoenix Militia #7
    (UK) 1987

    Phoenix Militia #7 (UK) 1987. Editor: “Bill Steer” Many thanks to Bernd B. again for a great contribution! This time it is the mega-classic from Bill Steer’s teenage years  –  be sure to check out the sincere and insightful editorial (btw this issue was photocopied and stapled 3 times from the front, which made it […]

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  • Blowing Thrash #3
    (Chile) 1986

    Blowing Thrash #3  (Chile) Sept/Oct, 1986. Editor: “Anton Reisenegger” The third issue from 1986 (#2 is below), also put together from Anton Reisenegger of Chile’s cult early death metal outfit Pentagram (and currently in Lock Up). His first in English, it features another mini-Chilean national report, KILLER interviews with SOD (Scott Ian), Detente, Sepultura and […]

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  • Blowing Thrash #2
    (Chile) 1986

    Blowing Thrash #2  (Chile) Marzo, 1986. Editor: “Anton Reisenegger” (Español) Fantastic contribution from the vibrant Chilean metal scene during the 1980’s, put together by none other than Anton Reisenegger of Chile’s cult early death metal outfit Pentagram (and currently in Lock Up). Features Chilean national report, a lengthy Slayer segment and interviews and features on […]

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  • Deathcore #2
    (Ontario, Canada) 1986

    Deathcore #2 (Ontario, CAN) 1986, Editor: “Glenn Salter” This was more of a crossover and hardcore-centered zine out of Ontario in the mid-eighties, and the content and interviews are very light, humorous, and brief. Still, very early interviews with Voivod, Sacrifice, Slaughter, Cyptic Slaughter, Celtic Frost, and a four-line “interview” with Kreator. Plus,  a pre-Cynic […]

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