Phoenix Militia #3 (UK) 1986. Editor: “Bill Steer” Bill Steer’s (Carcass) zine from his teenage years, includes interviews and features w/ Atavistic, Bulldozer, Necrovore, Lord Crucifier, Casbah, Vacant Grave, Desecration (Cali.), Bolt Thrower, Diatribe, a Maryland (USA) scene report, Doomwatch, Flotsam and Jetsam, Assassin (GER), Nuclear Assault, Mutilator, Master, Protector, Catalepsy, Obliteration, Rancid Decay, Sacrifice, […]
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Battlefield #6
(GER) 1986
(Deutsch)Battlefield #6 (GER) 1986. Editors: “Armin Nolzen” and “Bernd Backhaus” (auf Deutsch) Speed/thrash/crossover classic zine from Germany, a mid-80s DIY beast with interviews and write-ups on many great bands in their demo-days/first album-era – including Detente, Death, Onslaught, Heresy, Concrete Sox, Holy Terror, Lethal Aggression, Assassin, Poison (Ger), Excel, Desexult, Kreator/Destruction/Rage live review, Negazione, Sacrifice, Schizo, […]
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Totentanz #2
(Germany) 1988
(Deutsch)Totentanz #2 (Germany) 1988 (auf Deutsch) Editor: “Arno Brettraeger” (+Mitarbeiter: Thomas Hanzen) A nice one from Germany (thanks much to B.B. for this great classic from the late 80’s!). If you can read German, you are in luck, if not, still some great content..check out the early Nuclear Blast ad for example, back when the […]
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Violent Noize #2
(NY, USA) 1986Violent Noize #2 (NY, USA) June, 1986. Editor: “Borivoj Krgin ” This zine is notable for being journalist and founder Borivoj Krgin’s zine in the 80’s, and it reflects a biting (yet refreshing), critical writing style (…he did not hold back on his opinions!). It’s also notable that the term “death metal” is widely used in this zine, sort […]
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Blackthorn #4
(Denmark) 1986Blackthorn #4 (Denmark) 1986. Editors: “Esben Sorensen and Henk Leviathan” Ahh, Nasty Savage in full Technicolor on the cover! This issue was limited to 2000 copies, and is printed on the “A4” size standard (I think) in Europe at the time, stapled, with a nice original full-color pic of a young Mille from Kreator on the back (taken live […]
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