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    Arch Enemy (SWE)

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  • Isten “Twin Sister”
    (Finland) 1997

    Isten “Twin Sister” (Finland) November, 1997 . Created by: Mikko Mattila, Janne Sarna, Kola Krauze and Damhair. 60 pages on A4. 500 pressed. One of the most innovative, long running and well-written/designed zines in the history of the metal underground, recently enshrined in its own hardback anthology format via the Svart Records-published, 804 page “Don’t […]

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  • Intellektual Spew #5
    (TN, USA) 1998

    Intellektual Spew #5 (TN, USA) 1998, Editors: “Bart and Jeff” Late in the 1990s, print zines were still thriving (despite the internet taking its first stabs at online-zines through DIY sites hosted by Geocities, among others), and Intellektual Spew was a standout in the underground during the time. It was nicely printed and bound, and featured underground bands […]

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