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    Amputation (NOR)

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  • Blasphemer #1
    (Chile) 1990

    Blasphemer #1 (Chile) 1990 (in Spanish/Español). Editors: “Juan Olmedo” and “Christian Vargas” Another zine from the vibrant Chilean scene (also fully downloadable via the Crucified for Your Sins blog- check it out and thanks Mario), with interviews/reviews/features on a number of pivotal bands right at the point they were developing…I could find no date, but […]

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  • Deathvomit Zine #2
    (USA) 1990

    Deathvomit Zine #2 (US) 1990. Editor: Jeff McClelland This printed, stapled zine comes from the Virgina side of Washington DC, pressed and edited by Jeff McClelland, who if I am not mistaken was also vocalist in the band Doomstone (featuring members of Deceased). The cover was an original drawing by a guy named Tom Harrison, and […]

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