Putrefaction #5 (Sweden) 1991. Editor: “Tomas Nyqvist”
From T. Nyqvist, who also founded No Fashion Records and Iron Fist Productions. Excellent, notably there are no reviews (see editorial), however this issue is FULL of many groundbreaking acts in their prime. With interviews and more, including Agressor, At the Gates, Baphomet, Marduk, Bolt Thrower, Carbonized, Dark Tranquillity, Death Courier, Demigod, Dissection, Repugnance, Immortal, Impaler (UK), Infamy (FL), Infested Incarnation, Interment (FIN), Malaphar, Macabre End (God Macabre), Merciless, Misery (SWZ), Sadist, Sadus, Salem, Samael, Sentenced, Shub-Niggurath, Therion, Atomic Aggressor, Unleashed, Traumatic, Torturer, Obscure, Osmose Productions, plus zine reviews. Like last week, apologies, I don’t have the original scanner’s info, but many thanks from us all for this offering. PDF is up in the D/L’s section.
Great one, and a lovely cover haha