Vortex From the East #11 (Malaysia/in Malaysian and English) 1994. Editor: “Aziz”
Jumps between both Malay and English w/ interesting commentary etc.. from the exploding SE Asia scene of the early 90s. Features on Burzum/Varg āCount Grisnachtā Vikernes, Faust/Emperor and the events in Norway at the time, Kurt Cobain, Shonen Knife, Glen Benton on death threats, plus interviews with Darklord, Immured, Infestation (US), Langsuir, Mass Psychosis, Sonic Asylum Records, reviews, adz, addresses etc. Thanks to Stefan L. for the scan.
I am the one who replied to the Langsuir’s interview. 20 years back wow! Thanks for this piece of history. I’ve made out an entry for this http://krenmaut.blogspot.com/2014/12/langsuir-langsuyr-ganas-betul-mamat-ni.html
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