Pestilence Zine #2 (Chile) 1991. Editors: “Patrcio Illanes” and “Hector Guzman”
From Chile, this zine is half Spanish, half English…sticks to espanol for the Chilean interviews and reviews, and goes to English for the international…features a good amount of Morbid Angel content (including a tour flyer for the 1991 Blessed Are the Sick tour I have never seen…from Orlando) and a brief interview with Pete Sandoval, also a lot from the Chilean scene as well as short interviews/features on Astaroth (FL) Atomic Aggressor, Demigod, Disharmonic Orchestra, Rotting Christ, Lubricant, Malevolent Creation, Necrodead, Samael, Xenophobia and more…(thanks to Mario for the submission)